The Holistic Career Change Podcast

(Not)giving up

Vilma Usaite Season 1 Episode 57

This week we are analysing the anatomy of giving up.

In the episode, we will be discussing:

  • Our tendency to give up too quickly on our dreams and career pursuits and how many of us have become complacent and, at times, even entitled to manifestations. 
  • How our need for instant gratification affects long-term change efforts.
  • The unpleasant, challenging feelings we will inevitably experience as we explore the edges of our possibility and how to coexist with those feelings versus allowing them to take over.
  • The evolution of the human brain and what time inconsistency has to do with it.
  • How aligning our frequency with desires is just one side of the equation - the other being inspired action.
  • The importance of self-awareness, curiosity, and taking ownership of your actions and outcomes.

This episode is a little more fiery than usual because my goal is to ALWAYS remind you of the untapped potential inside of you.

Enjoying this episode? Send me a text & share what you're resonating with!



Vilma is a holistic career coach helping unfulfilled women transition into soul-aligned work where their gifts become their livelihood. Whether they're dreaming of launching their own business or finding a role that lights them up, Vilma supports their journey to work that feels like home.



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